Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Crisis management

Crisis management, issued by New bulgarian univetsity, 1999.

By Roussi Marinov,Ph.D.
Lecturer of Crisis and Communication management
A member of International associations of business communicators/IABC/

In his book devoted to crisis and risk communications, Roussi Marinov, Dr. Sc. discusses a direction which is new for Bulgaria and Europe called “crisis management”. In this book - “Crisis Management” we set ourselves the goal to analyze the phenomenon “crisis” and the approaches to its management. More particular, we discuss the problems of organizing, establishing, and carrying out communications in conflict, emergency and crisis situations. We analyze the world, European and Bulgarian experience in this respect. Of course, we are far from saying that we can encompass all the complex problems in a book. We rather try to provoke a certain way of thinking and to generate some new ideas in this complicated area known as crisis management.

Talking about communications in risk and crisis we have in mind their present state and the trends for their development. At the moment the possibilities of modern computer and communications technologies are actively used to provide communications to each person and, what is more, in such a way that the messages can be understood and interpreted correctly by the people. The goal is to present a full information picture of the events, based on facts. We suggest an open expert model for management of crisis situations, based on the multimedia technologies. The expert scheme, which was developed, can be continuously improved and included in the Internet, Intranet and the national computer networks.

In a great number of cases the management of a crisis, which has arisen in a certain institution, is connected with the skill to analyze, predict and manage the legal risk. The goal, in the long run, is to resolve the numerous legal problems which arise in situations of sharp conflict and crisis.

The book consists of three basis parts and appendices with several practical programs used to manage communications in crisis and risk situations. Several tables and approaches have been added for the research of communication situations in Bulgaria and Europe.

The title of the parts are as follows:

“Chapter 1” “Characteristic Features and Management of a Crisis Situation”;

“Chapter 2” “Interactive Technologies in Crisis Communications” and

“Chapter” 3 “Legal Aspects of Crisis

During the last years the term “ crisis” has been widely used and became an integral part of society vocabulary, especially in our society, but also in some of the western countries, and it is used for characterization of different conditions. However, there is hardly anyone who thinks over the meaning of crisis and what is there behind this expression.

The term “crisis” has occurred at first in medicine, and later on in psychology for designating the critical processes in the human body or the psychological state of the personality. During 17th and 18th century the expression “crisis” began to be used for defining of some economic, social and other processes, such as those connected with the natural phenomena and disasters caused by them.

So the term is not synonymous. And is often used inaccurately. The analyses carried out show that in three of four cases when it is used by our politicians, economists-practitioners, etc. a number of perplexities are caused. Moreover, that the crisis management as technology has occurred in the middle of 90’s and the specialists who practise and specialize in this field are quite few in the world.

The concept “crisis”, in the common sense, is a concept with negative connotation, but one should know that every crisis has positive aspects and it develops in several periods-before the crisis, during the crisis and after the crisis and it is a succession of phases. This is a moment when new values and norms arise. In a time of crisis people cannot act effectively together, but they become receptive of new methods of action and styles of behaviour.

Usually, in periods of crisis new ways of thinking or modern technologies enter society and clash with the old arrangement, old-fashioned views and ideologies. It is known that you can’t make something new without destroying something old. When the new is imposed, conflicts arise, which activate the players on the social scene. In moment of crisis it is spoken of before Crisis State only in one retrospection, but namely the state before crisis and the finding out of the crisis symptoms are extremely important.

We speak about crisis in society, but so that it can arise the prerequisites have been built up for dozens of years. The period before the crisis can last alone for 5-6 years and more, which shows that most of the processes are carried out in dark.

The individuals, who experience the crisis on themselves, could see only a little surface layer, what is more, this layer is not the same for all the individuals. People see what they would like to see. That’s why, especially in time of crisis, the often become victims of their illusions and fictions.

For the explorers of the crisis this is an interesting period, not only of destruction, but primarily of creation. It cannot be controlled, but can be effectively managed..

The crisis gives a favourable opportunity for an individual program for strengthening the role of the personality,it’s liability and action.The survival in times of crises depends on the activity of the creative individuals and minorities.

The crisis has a basic characteristic,it brings the decisions to two categorical possibilities-development or collapse of the normal activity of the system.

The competent actions in emergency situations require specific organizations of the information activity and communications, which most often are assigned by a single centers that people’s efforts won’t be divided in two and they won’t be hesitant.If allowed the society or the social groups to receive distorted and repressive information,that may threaten their health and life.

For example, during the earthquake in Strazhitza on 7 December 1986 44% of the people, living in the region,have informed themselves about the event from rumours,i.e. from an unreliable source of information.

In the case of the Chernobyl accident the share of these people reaches 90% and more. The consequences are: distorted attitude and opinion,which exist even nowdays.And here arises one of the most important problems.Although our society has perfect specialists in disasters and emergency situations,and very good doctors,who have carried out many interesting and qualitative studies in all these spheres,part of thisinformation or90% of it doesn’t reach the people.But in a risky situation,caused by a certain disaster,the decisions are usually very simple and elementary.

I will give you immediately an example with one of the biggest industrial accident in the Indian town of Bhopal in 1984,when more than 200 thousand people had been affected by poisonous gas.The decision had been very simple-the people should have only known to cover their respiratory organs with a wet or damp handkerchief or gauze,but they hadn’t known that..

The basic moments of the implications of the communications in the of crisis are the following:the polisy and the communication situation should be deeply analyzed-the specialists call it also “analysis of the communication field”-at the moment of crisis ocurance and the human influence should be taken into consideration, as the personalities,drawn in the crisis,react to the situation in a different way.

Next trend-the care for people’s health and life has primary importance and it is very important from communication point of view not to be allowed the creation of psychosis or avalance of rumours.

The next trend is -candidness, honesty and liability of the institution,carrying out the communication with all the participants in the process,but that is possible if trust is preliminary built up on the side of different communities, if the media and the process connected with it are fully included and atrue dialogue between all purposeful audiences and the society as a whole is built up.For this purpose,the achievments in the communication and computer technologies,so that new channel information be obtained and high level of information be achieved..

Besides this,one modern means is the building up of electronic engineering vilages,wich enable,ofr example,groups,training children,to dive their missiles over the corresponding village and to choose definite site to enter, of course,in virtual reality.

In the process of of organizing of this activity for protection of the individuals from varios risks we have in mind the whole characteristic of man,all his spheres.Here are included the health sphere,the phychic sphere,the values’ sphere,the mental,social and concious spheres.The institutions itself,wich implements the communications,builds up an own internal communication and information network.

For us the critical situation is any situation suffered by an individual person, group, community, system, nature as a whole,and their survival depends of their capabilities to adapt to the realities ad their creative response to the challenges.

The outlet of the situations varies from lethal one to survival of the individual, whereas the survival is considered a creative process and depends on the intellectual potential ad the intellectual capabilities if the individual himself. That is each critical situation is looked upon as a risky, conflict situation and respectively a highly indefinite one. Speaking of the crisis, we look upon things in a broader sense, I.e., you can imagine two poles: the psychic crisis is one pole, while a crisis in the galaxy is on the other pole, i.e. the extent of the resources allocated by a country from its own budget for protection against an asteroid attack, for example, fantastic as it is the phenomenon of the effective communication. How shall our messages reach the audiences, the publics. In our opinion, training covers five stages:

The first stage covers the information given to the people.

The second stage refers to the gaining of knowledge, so the information is more profound.

The third stage refers to obtaining of understanding.

The fourth stage is related to the action.

That is, 200 million persons get the information about emergencies and protection against them, on the other pole are 1 000 people which can actually proceed to action. And a typical example is the Kobe in January 1995 (although the Japanese training system for protection against earthquake was the most effective and comprehensive one) after the earthquake in Kobe the whole population, the urban population fell into collapse, fell into panic. The Government was paralyzed. All activities were paralyzed.

This example shows that the problems are much more complicated that hat you can imagine. They are rather sociological and communication problems, and the latter cover a very large area.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

new aspects of crisis are the crisis in the syberspace, and lack of knowledge to resolve a global communication problems as wel as information overloaded, networks viruses, multicultural dialog and communication.